Can you relate? - Finishing your yoga class at your local studio you feel full of bliss and totally in your flow. You are motivated and full of ambition to practice all you just did again at home to give yourself this nice feeling again.
Arriving at your place you realize you barely remember anything you just did and it feels kind of super hard to get back into your flow. In between duties at home, work and family all of a sudden there is no return back and you feel annoyed and disappointed that it happened again!
In order for you to find easier access to your yoga flow feeling, I am excited to share with you my yoga playlists on spotify. You can listen to them at home getting back into your yoga vibe from our class together. Maybe you want to use it practice your own flow with it, maybe you just take out some songs creating your own playlist that appeals to you the most.

I wish you lots of fun and joy practicing at home :)
Do you have any song suggestions for me? Just share with me! I am always excited to get new ideas! :)

Vinyasa Flow Playlists:
Inside a Snowflake (90min)
Dance of Destiny (90min)
Flowing into Spring´22 (105min)
20min of Glory (20min)
Summer of Love (90min)

Yin Yoga Playlist:
Yoga Calm down (90min)